Exploring Our Practices

Our intention here is not to cover every practice but to provide you with examples and with a framework for reflecting upon your practices that you can use as you continue to improve the experience for disabled students.

A compass needled points toward the word focus

General Guidance

What are the general principles that guide our work? Consider how our values and beliefs translate into practice.

General Guidance > >

Looking down into a coffee cup the words your culture is your brand float on the coffee

Office Representation

How does your office represent itself? What is your brand? What messages does that send about disability?

Office Representation > >

An organizational structure chart is laid over a scene of someone sitting at a desk with a clipboard and pen

Administration and Structure

What messages do typical job titles send? How are offices staffed and structured? Is disability access adequately resourced?

Administration and Structure > >

A circuitous ramp leads to an entry way

Procedures and Accommodations

How is access provided? What is the student's experience of this approach? How can we more closely approximate the experience of nondisabled students?

Procedures and Accommodations > >

A woman stands at a podium speaking to people in a large room

Outreach Practices

What types of programming are offered? How is disability portrayed? What relationships are prioritized?

Outreach Practices > >